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Black Herefords
The Black Hereford is a beef cattle breed, derived mainly from Hereford cattle (normally red and white), but with some mixture from black Angus cattle, resulting in black cattle with a white head and finching.
Like red Herefords, Black Herefords are becoming known for their feed efficiency and docile temperament. If a registered Black Hereford is crossed with a registered red Hereford and the resulting progeny is black, then it may be registered with the Black Hereford Association.
The Black Hereford breed was formed to create cattle that would pass on the desirable traits of the red Hereford, but with black and white coloring.
Like red Herefords, Black Herefords are often crossed with black Aberdeen Angus cattle to produce heterosis ("hybrid vigor") in the progeny, producing a type commonly known as the Black Baldy. The Black Herefords are usually the breeds Angus and Hereford combined with a white head and finching.